You are here: Stock Item Attributes > Advanced Attribute Uses > Stock Item Hire Attribute Type

Stock Item Hire Attribute Type

The Attribute Type of Hire can be used to create Stock Items (saved as Pending Sales only) specifically for hiring in blocks of time.

The blocks can be set to Minutes, Hours, Days, Weeks, Months, and/or Years.

A Stop Timer function allows the item hire period to be stopped before the Pending Sale is tendered.


Setup Attributes

Go to File > Sales > Stock Item Attributes > Add New Attribute Type > Hire (Case sensitive) > Save.


FIGURE 1:  Enter "Hire" into the "Add Attribute Type" field.


The newly created "Hire" Attribute Type should be automatically selected; press "Add New Hire".

Add as many different Hire time functions as required.

Once you have added the Attributes, exit the Stock Item Attributes screen.


FIGURE 2:  The Attribute Types appear in the left-hand side column, Attributes appear in the right-hand side column.


Setup Stock Items

Go to File > Stock Control > Stock Items > Add > Description: Hire Item > Price: Item Price per Timed Block > Attributes: Hire 15 Mins.


FIGURE 3:  The above example shows a Karaoke Room Hire Stock Item.
The bottom-right corner of the Stock Items window is where the Attributes are configured.
The above Stock Item has the Hire Attribute Type set with an interval of 15 minutes (the time interval at which the item/room is hired).


Repeat for all hire items required.


FIGURE 4:  The above shows examples of various items that can be hired.


POS Screen Buttons

Create a button for each Stock Item you need.

You also need to create a button using the Date function to be able to Stop the timer if a customer finishes their hire early, but wants to continue with other purchases, such as food and beverage.


FIGURE 5:  The above example shows the configuration for the POS Screen Button that will be used to stop the timer.


Hire Items need to be saved as a Pending Sale.

Create a button on the POS Screen using the 'Pending Sale' function.


FIGURE 6:  The above example shows POS Screen buttons for the Hire Items, Stop Timer and Pending Sale in the POS Screen Layout configuration.


Using Hire Items

Press the hire button for the item you are hiring and add any other items to the sale. As soon as the hire button is pressed, the time is stamped onto the sale in minutes only, seconds are not recorded. Save the sale to a Pending Sale.


FIGURE 7:  The above example shows the POS Screen on the Hire tab.
The Karaoke Room Hire item has been added to the sale and the item in the sale window has been timestamped.


The price for a full period will be charged automatically when the item is first hired and will increment in time until the timer is stopped.


When the customer has returned or finished the hire service, you can stop the hire so that no further charges will take place.

However, the customer can still keep their tab or pending sale open.

If the hire extends past the reserved period, another period will be charged.


Highlight the Hire item within the sale and press Stop Timer.

The timer will have stopped and a notification will display.

Any further items purchased will be added to the sale.


FIGURE 8:  The above example shows the Hire Timer stopped message after selecting the Hire Item and pressing the Stop Timer button.


To pay the total sale amount, select Enter > select your tender to pay.


FIGURE 9:  The above example shows the tender screen with the Hire Item and other items that were added.